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1869 | 1870 | 1871 | 1872 | 1873 | 1874 | 1875 | 1876 | 1877 | 1878 | 1879 | 1880 | 1881 | 1882 | 1883 | 1884 | 1885 | 1886 | 1887 | 1888 | 1889 | 1890 | 1891



Mayor William E. DeBerry, Mayor
Aldermen John B. Armstrong
 Henry Boon
 G. D. McAllister
 J.E. Roberts
 Peter E. Wilson
 F. G. Sampson - Recorder
 Thomas J. Frazier - Treasurer
 John W. Nichols - Marshal


Mayor William E. Deberry
Aldermen J. C. Pinner
 F. G. Sampson
 E. S. Thurmond
 W. D. Chamblin
 I. F. Child
 John W. Nichols - Marshal

1872 It was ordered that E.G. Sugg be employed to survey and mark out the lots in town and drive a stake at every corner of every lot.
Mayor Charles P. Clark
Aldermen G.B. Miller
 J. E. Roberts
 F. G. Sampson (Recorder & Treasurer)
 W. E. BeBerry
 J. C. Pinner
 G.D. McAllister
 John W. Nichols - Marshal

1873 December 29, 1873, Sampson Street was named in honor of G.W. Sampson, Alderman. It was changed from "High" Street. By Laws for the town of Dyersburg were adopted on March 24, 1873.
Mayor Charles P. Clark
Aldermen W. E. DeBerry
 George D. McAllister
 C. J. Coker
 William C. Doyle
 J. C. Pinner
 W. P. Sugg

1874 November 5, 1974, a clause was ordered to be inserted in the Town Ordinance that no wagon or team shall be allowed to stand on the street crossing. Mayor's salary was $100.00 per year. Aldermen's salary was $25.00 per year.
Mayor Tom W. Neal
Aldermen Alfred Stevens (died & was replaced by F. G. Sampson
 E. S. Thurmond
 M. Watkins
 John E. Roberts (resigned April 9, 1984 & E. G. Sugg was appointed)
 William E. DeBerry
 Nathan C. White

1875 First policeman hired on June 9, 1875 under the Marshal to work night shift-8:00 p.m. until 5:00 a.m. & they made $30.00 per month. The policemen were Henry Nichols & A. A. Biggs. The first cemetary commissioner was I.F. Child appointed December 31, 1875.
Mayor E. G Sugg
Aldermen Alfred M. Stevens
 W. E. DeBerry
 N.C. White
 E. S. Thurmond (resigned April 6, 1875, moved from Dyersburg - Joseph Smither appointed)
 J. C. Pinner
 William Turner

1876 On February 1, 1876, it was ordered that all persons found drunk and lying on the streets or in public places shall be considered a nuisance and are to be arrested as such and fined at the discretion of the Mayor.
Mayor Charles P. Clark
Aldermen N.C. White

A.M. Stevens

 J.W. Smither
 George B. Miller
 E.S. Thurmond
 W.D. Roberts

1877 March 5, 1877, Mr. M. McGinnis was paid $5.00 for makin a pauper's coffin and Mr. R.A. Burke was paid $2.00 for hauling the pauper to the cemetary. On August 20, 1877, tax for the year 1877 was levied at .50 cents on the one hundred dollars worth of real and personal property.
Mayor Charles P. Clark
Aldermen J.W. Smither
 N.C. White (Recorder & Treasurer)
 G.B. Miller
 George Scott
 E.S. Thurmond
 J.C. Pinner
 J.B. Ferguson-Marshal

1878 January 8, 1878, it was ordered that a fine of $1.00 be imposed on each Alderman who was absent from the meeting without a good and sufficient excuse and $2.00 against the Mayor and Marshal for the like offense. On September 5, 1878, the Town of Dyersburg was quarantined due to Yellow Fever.
Mayor C.P. Clark
Aldermen J.M. Nichols
 E.S. Thurmond (resigned April 1, 1878 & Dr. R.C. Parr was appointed)
 N.C. White (Recorder & Treasurer)
 John Sawyers
 G.B. Miller
 George E. Scott

1879 On Feb. 3, 1879, on motion it was ordered that the Mayor’s salary be fixed at one hundred dollars ($100.00) for the year 1879.

Mayor John W. Lauderdale
Alderman Jno. M. Nichols (Sherrif)
 N.C. White (Recorder & Treasurer)
 Charles P. Clark
 Dr. R.C. Parr
 George E. Scott
 J.B. Ferguson
 Marshal J.T. Hassell (also street commissioner)

1880 On July 19, 1880, B. L. Thomas, Health Officer, was present and reported that the town was in a healthy condition and the privies were all or nearly all well cleaned.

Mayor C. P. Clark
Aldermen Hamilton Parks, Jr.
 J. N. Coker
 C. L. Nolen
 J. W. Tenney (resigned Jan. 7, 1880 & J. M. Nichols elected)
 George E. Scott
 E.S. Thurmond
 W. H. Lloyd - Marshal (also street commissioner)

1881 On May 2, 1881, on motion it was ordered that the physicians of Dyersburg be and are hereby required to make monthly reports to the secretary of the Board of Health, of the births, deaths that may occur in their practice (in accordance with the state law) in the Corporate limits.
Mayor B. L. Thomas
Aldermen Ed. W. Smith
 A. W. Stevens
 J. M. Nichols

H. Parks, Jr.

 C. L. Nolen
 N. C. White - Recorder & Treasurer
 James W. Nichols - Marshal

1882 On April 3, 1882, on motion it was declared to be the sense of this Board that card playing in any business or outhouse within the Corporation is a nuisance and the Marshall is ordered to arrest any party or parties so doing and they shall be fined not less than $2.50 nor more than $25.00 for each offense.

Mayor B. L. Thomas
Aldermen A. M. Stevens
 W. E. Deberry
 Ed W. Smith
 A. B. Jones
 W. R. Hayes

Jno. M. Nichols (resigned Oct. 3, 1882)
M. M. Marshall elected to fill unexpired term

 N. C. White, Recorder


On March 6, 1883, the Board of Mayor and Aldermen passed the Hog Ordinance which states: Ten days notice was given and at expiration of that time all hogs found running at large within the Corporation limits was charged .50 cents per head and .10 cents for each offspring (pig) per day. After that the hogs were advertised and sold at the expiration of five days if not called for by their owners.

Mayor B. L. Thomas
Aldermen Ed. W. Smith
 Zach Watkins
 A. B. Jones
 James W. Baker
 J. C. Pinner
 J. P. Thurmond, Marshal

1884 On September 1, 1884, on motion the following committee was appointed to draw up a new Charter for the Town of Dyersburg with power to employ assistance of attorney if necessary. Z. G. Watkins, A. B. Jones and Ed Smith committee.


Mayor B. L. Thomas

W. R. Hayes – Recorder & Treasurer

 Z. G. Watkins
 Ed W. Smith
 J. W. Baker
 A. B. Jones
 J. C. Pinner
  J. P. Thurmond, Marshal
 Edward Smith, Deputy Marshal

A. B. Tarrant, Sheriff


1885 On June 13, 1885, on motion playing baseball in Corporation on Sunday was declared a nuisance and parties found guilty of same shall be arrested and fined not less than $1.00 nor more than $20.00.
Mayor B. L. Thomas
Aldermen Ed W. Smith
 A. B. Jones
 Z. G. Watkins
 W. R. Hayes - Recorder & Treasurer (Mayor Pro-Tem)
 Wm. Turner
 J. W. Tenney
 J. P. Thurmond- Marshal
 N. B. Tarrant - Sheriff

1886 On January 18, a petition was presented from citizens asking that a walk be built to the college building.
Mayor B. L. Thomas
Aldermen W. R. Hayes - Recorder & Treasurer
 Z. G. Watkins
 J. M. Brackin
 Wm. Turner
 J. L. Sinclair
 E. W. Smith
 Edmund Smith - Marshal

Mayor B. L. Thomas
 W. R. Hayes, Recorder & Treasurer
 Z.G. Watkins (died - A.B. Jones elected to replace on Sept. 12, 1887)
 J.M. Brackin
 Wm. Turner
 J.L. Sinclair (Capt. Geo. B. Miller elected to fill unexpired term, May 2, 1887
 E.W. Smith
 Edmund Smith-Marshal

Mayor B. L. Thomas

Mayor B. L. Thomas

Mayor B. L. Thomas

Mayor B. L. Thomas

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